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Amy Laundrie
October 11, 2020
12:23 pm
Caw, Caw, Caw
Caw, caw, caw, I call, as I carry pieces of old bread out to my crows. Nearby neighbors must be shaking their heads. “Amy’s at it again.” But I don’t care. I not only like having feathered friends, I appreciate how they look after the property and warn me of trouble. A few days ago, […]
What is the secret to a long, happy life? Since I have a birthday this week and thought I could use that excuse to guilt my friends and family into doing my work for me, I polled a bunch of them. They came through. Although I got chided by some for insinuating that they were […]
“Let’s celebrate your birthday with a hike around Devil’s lake,” I told my husband of forty-four years. “Josie needs to get some exercise.” (I’ve learned that I’m more likely to get a Yes if I mention the adventure will make our Cockapoo happy.) “Why Devil’s Lake?” he asked. “I was looking at photos the other […]
We often think of the start of the school year as the end of summer, but we can also think of it as a time of new beginnings. School kids, parents, and staff have extra challenges this year, but they’re figuring it out. They’ll evaluate what’s working and incorporate the more innovative techniques, such as […]
How much do you like your alone time? Would you rather bring adult beverages and tube as a group or rise early and kayak a quiet river? Would you rather join a group of friends, safety measures in place, for a weekend of fun and games or rent a cabin in the woods and hike […]
Mum’s brought me to the vet because of excessive licking (I won’t get into the personal details) but will mention that I keep hearing the word “surgery.” I’m not sure exactly what that entails for this kibble-loving cockapoo. I expect I’ll do fine, but now that I’m over ten years old, it’s time to share […]
Classroom flashbacks are engrained in me. No wonder, since I was a student for 15 years and a teacher for over 35 years. In last night’s back-to-school dream, I was setting up for the water tank experiment to teach density. I added red salt water to the left side and clear blue water to the […]
I caught them from my grandsons. The three E’s. Starting with enthusiasm.I purposely sat across from my grandson, Mason, while my husband drove the speed boat, so I got the best view of the six-year-old’s expressions. The faster we zipped around the lake, the bigger his grin. He has a way of grinning with his […]