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Three Wintry Life Lessons
My father was a quiet man, and he wasn’t the type to give long explanations or lecture. Still, just spending time with him taught me important life lessons. One of his classrooms was the frozen fishing lake. Ice fishing is a lesson in patience. As a middle child who wanted to spend time with her […]
Go Ahead. Uncork the Champagne
Although the comment was made more than twenty years ago, I still remember it. It was midweek, probably a Wednesday or Thursday, and I had just made a comment about longing for the weekend. A coworker, JoAnn Luke, who taught kindergarten, gently said, “Amy, don’t wish your life away.” The words have stuck with me […]
Indulge Ourselves
We’re in the middle of a Wisconsin winter during a time of political unrest while trying to survive a pandemic. We deserve to indulge ourselves. Here are a few suggestions: Get those endorphins flowing! Head outdoors to breathe deeply of winter’s fresh air.  Photograph how the sunlight shines on icicles.Watch for a morning when the […]
Spirit of the Eagle
January is National Bald Eagle Watch Month. An intricate part of Native American spiritualism, and included in symbols such as scouting and our nation’s presidential seal, the bald eagle inspires us to greater heights. If you’re like me, when you encounter or hear these powerful birds, you pause to appreciate the moment. Did you know […]
Beyond Our Wildest Dreams
Beyond Our Wildest Dreams Are you afraid to set an ambitious New Year’s goal? If so, you might be interested in what Margo Sue Hoile learned in 2016 after she hiked Africa’s Mt. Kilimanjaro. “You’re capable of more than you think you are.  “The climb was physical, of course,” Margo began, as we hiked Chapel […]
Holiday Hiking Trails
Christmas is sure to be different this year, so why not embrace it? Why not start a new tradition such as going on a hike each day from Christmas to the new year? Josie the Cockapoo, my husband, and I discovered many new trails this year or found new aspects of old favorites. Listed below […]
Gifts That Matter
What gifts do you remember receiving as a child? I can recall only a few. Instead, I remember family gatherings beginning with those at my grandmother’s house. Grandma served lutefisk (we kids got to have pigs-in-the-blanket instead of the pungent cod) and great desserts. My favorites were her famous pecan dreams and poppy seed cake. […]
Ten Ways to Have a Super Fun But Safe Holiday
My seven-year-old grandson’s virtual birthday party was a huge hit. My grandson acted as the Master of Ceremonies and had a printed schedule for the robot-themed contests. Partiers had the chance to work individually or in teams. We could enter as many contests as we liked. These included the best robot costume, the best robot […]