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Gertie, the conclusion
I was anxious to return to our cabin that August three years ago to check on Doc, the mallard, and Gertie, the orphaned goose we’d raised. Get a grip, I told myself during the long ride. Gertie is only a goose, one of the thousands we Wisconsinites hear honking and watch flying in their classic […]
Gertie and Friends, the Teenage Years
A few weeks ago I shared the story of fostering Gertie, an orphaned gosling. I had to carry her around in a pouch to keep her happy for the first few weeks we had her since she’d imprinted on my husband and me. I also described her swimming after a paddle boarder, startling the poor […]
Winston, the Smiling Dog
Meet Winston, a Border collie mix who has enriched Sonja and her family’s life. Winston, who loves to go for walks, play ball, and fetch Frisbees, brings energy to their home. He’s sensitive, intelligent, and keeps the family laughing. “He can smile,” Sonja reports, with a hint of pride. “Winston loves attention, and he’ll lie […]
Gertie the Extraordinary Goose
Think about those extraordinary moments of your life. You might recall a milestone celebration or something unplanned, such as the gift of a perfect spring day when you fished a stream and caught a brook trout or the warm night you strolled outdoors under a star-filled night. Or it could be the day you got an unexpected phone call that changed your life.
Getting Through Dark Times
I was merrily strolling along the sidewalk in my lavender Crocs when the toe of my right shoe buffed against the cement and BAM! I was down on the sidewalk, blood oozing from my knee. What just happened? Double that minor scraped knee. Now triple it and keep escalating it for the major tragedies we […]
Thoughts From an Old Pine
A lifetime ago, a young married couple carted me to a clearing in their new backyard. I was tall and strong and it took both of them to lift me. As they patted the soil around my roots, settling me into a comfortable hole and giving me plenty of water, they smiled at one another. […]
We Rock
“I found mine in a tree,” a friend told me excitedly, while we visited in an Alabama restaurant. “I found mine hidden in some weeds,” her husband said, leaning toward me. “Someone had painted Mississippi on the top.” The delight in both seniors’ faces made them resemble kids on Christmas morning. They were talking about […]
Connecting to Those Who Came Before
Discussions about online fatigue and the value of face-to-face experiences are prevalent these days. I’m sure we’ll have more virtual options in the future, but engaging with a screen can’t compete with being on site and physically being with others. I receive many emails from places like Road Scholar advertising a virtual tour to countries […]