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Kisses on the Cheek
A few weeks ago, my five and seven-year-old grandsons, now fully vaccinated, joined their parents, my husband and me for a celebration. We began by swimming in an indoor pool where we witnessed the five-year-old learn how to swim for the first time. Afterward, we returned to our house for a meal. The boys, who […]
Give Yourself Priority in the New Year
As a teen, my father used to challenge me to do 50 pushups. I worked up to it and eventually did that many. I recall a new boyfriend meeting my parents for the first time and my dad bragging about my ability to do pushups. He even had me demonstrate. I don’t recall the boyfriend’s […]
Gifts That Matter
What gifts do you remember receiving as a child? I can recall only a few. Instead, I remember family gatherings beginning with those at my grandmother’s house. Grandma served lutefisk (we kids got to have pigs-in-the-blanket instead of the pungent cod) and great desserts. My favorites were her famous pecan dreams. See recipe below. Afterward, […]
Believe in Yourself
An elderly neighbor died. Soon after, large garbage bags appeared outside her home. Her family must have had the arduous task of cleaning out her possessions. It’s hard enough to deal with the loss of a loved one. Having to sort through everything from personal items to files of paperwork only adds to the misery. […]
Start with a Story
My phone interview with Jerry Apps last week was not only enlightening, but emotional. The 87-year-old is the author of over 40 books. He’s also the amazing but humble star in many PBS documentaries about the land and farming in the 50s.  We share a publisher, and during a Zoom meeting he told a story—as […]
Big Money
I was in a panic. I didn’t have an idea for a Thanksgiving column. I could share my long list of things I was grateful for, but nothing listed was especially unique and column-worthy. Then a woman stopped me after church. She mentioned that she still thought about a column I’d written several years ago […]
Fellow Seniors, Let’s Get Going!
Fellow Seniors, Let’s Get Going! A Facebook friend recently posted results of an extensive 2018 U.S.A study showing that the most productive age in human life is between 60 to 70 years of age. She joked that she had better get going. The study intrigued me and I investigated further. According to the New England […]
Love Heals
Last week my husband and I walked into a family restaurant that caters to locals. Near our table sat an elderly man wearing a veteran’s cap. A medium-sized, black and white dog wearing a service vest lay under his table.The dog’s constant wagging tail made me smile.  “I see you like dogs,” the vet said.  […]