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Parade of Priorities
I sat down with a new friend during my recent trip, and she mentioned she and another friend were going to an Alabama Parade of Homes on Sunday. “Did I want to come along?” My remaining vacation days are few, and I tilt my head and ponder. Magnolia Springs has lovely homes under canopies of […]
Josie the Cockapoo Tells All
Mum’s a bit stressed out this week—something about finalizing the cover for her new book. So being the faithful companion that I am, I agreed to write this week’s column if she agreed not to read it. (I want to get a few secrets off this furry chest, and some might hurt her feelings.) Oh, […]
Daisy Duke
“Check out your sister’s legs,” my sister-in-law called to my brother in September 2020. We had paused on a bike trail to drink some water. “They look like stovepipes.” It was true. I had made a doctor’s appointment, but it was still several days away. When I pressed my thumb into my fat, puffy leg, […]
Here’s to you, Candy
We’re aware of the big decisions that steer our course, such as choosing a mate or a career, but if you think back, what was a minor decision you made that ended up being life-changing? For me, it was getting a horse of my own; a horse I would name Candy. It was the late […]
Ponder the Wonders
I carefully placed the lavender hyacinth in my shopping cart. Such a marvelous wonder. This fragrant, colorful array of blossoms that makes me joyously think of spring came from a dull brown bulb only weeks earlier. How that bulb could produce this fragrant plant is mind-boggling to me. Research would explain that the plant sends […]
Just Call Me Sherlock
I’ve turned into a spy. Since my husband has had some heart problems, and since he sometimes goes to our rural cabin by himself, I now track his phone using the app “Find My Phone.” I admit to feeling uncomfortable about the whole thing, but Frank’s okay with it, and it’s a sensible precaution, so […]
Shifting Currents
Shifting Currents The current has shifted. It’s both unsettling and comforting. I’d seen it coming, but after my husband had scary chest pains, I couldn’t deny it. The shifting began when our son Jon and four other relatives joined my husband Frank at the cabin for the annual ice fishing week. Besides ice fishing, this […]
Decisions Shape Us
  “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” Tony Robbins, author and inspirational speaker My husband and I studied the trip itinerary for “Tulip Times on the Jewels of the Rhine” for the fifth time. We have a tough decision to make; one that could shape our future, maybe even […]