Time to Play!

photo credit: Tara Draper

“What would bring you joy today?” That question is one that life coach and yoga instructor, Kristen (Omkari) Kloostra, would have us ask ourselves daily. “Are we reconnecting with our inner child and allowing ourselves to “play?” 

My mind flashed back to my own childhood. I fondly remember excitedly coming home from school, changing into my “play” clothes, grabbing a piece of bread and a landing net, and happily heading to the nearest pond to try to catch a turtle. 

Play releases those feel-good endorphins. It reduces depression and improves health. What did you love to do as a child? Play baseball with your buddies? Jump on your bike and go cruising? Spin cartwheels in the grass?

“Play and humor not only keep us healthy and balanced physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually,” Kristen reminds us, “but also helps our relationships since we’re more present, joyful and harmonious. It’s even helpful in reversing aging.”

Kristen, whose impressive bio includes yoga instructor, life coach, spiritual teacher, massage therapist, and retreat planner, shared advice about “re-youthing,” or how we can help ourselves feel young again. Play makes the list. So do achieving a healthy lifestyle, finding humor in your day, knowing how to release stress, keeping a positive mindset, and practicing daily self-care. These practices could include yoga, breathwork, and meditation.

One very simple meditation is the “I am” exercise. Repeat phrases such as “I am energetic. I am someone who eats healthy food. I am an athlete who takes care of his/her body.” Many people find power in affirmations such as these and they’re an easy way to improve one’s life.  

Kristen introduced me to the benefits of breathwork which is used successfully to reduce stress, help balance blood pressure, and calm the mind before sleep. Athletes use it for peak performance. She has an energizing YouTube video called “Limitless” that demonstrates the power of breathing techniques. 

Kristen offers customized small group retreats in Sedona or elsewhere where she helps people dive deeper into yoga, meditation, or other areas of interest. She also meets with people online. Her website is https://omkari.love/

Meanwhile, tap into your inner child and ask yourself, “What would spark joy for me today?” It might be something as simple as taking a walk along the water, hopping on a swing, playing Monopoly, writing a short story, baking a dessert, or asking a “playmate” to come over. Maybe you want to take your dog through the bank’s drive-through and watch her wriggle her butt when she gets her doggy treat. (This is something I did yesterday that kept me smiling all afternoon.) Maybe you want to treat your inner child by grabbing a jump rope, a hula hoop, a squirt gun, watercolors, or digging out your old train set. As for me, I know my answer. I’m grabbing bread and a landing net and heading to the nearest pond. There’s a turtle out there somewhere.

4 Replies to “Time to Play!”


Love this blog. I may have to check out her retreats in Sedona. That is one of my favorite places in the US

Hi Deb, I hope you do check it out. You’d love getting to know her.
Thanks for reading,

So appreciate you Amy. Love your writing and honored to be featured in your amazing column!

I appreciate you, Kristen, and your generous, loving spirit.

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