Savor Summer’s Magic

I’ve been watching my hedgehog cactus and knew it would bloom in a day or two. This morning I awoke and there it was! A magical white burst of color. I took several photos and then sighed. I know it will only last a day. Like summer in Wisconsin, we anticipate it, and then, like a magician’s disappearing act, Poof! It’s gone.

With July half over, it’s time to make sure we’re enjoying the magic of summer.

Enjoy Summer’s Outdoor Offerings

  • Hit the beach. Don’t forget to make a sandcastle.
  • Grab a friend or two and hike a section of the Ice Age Trail. 
  • Spend a lazy afternoon out on the lake in either a kayak, inner tube, or on a stand-up paddle board.
  • Pack a picnic lunch and visit your favorite park.
  • Visit a county fair or a theme park.
  • Play miniature golf.
  • Indulge yourself and spend an entire afternoon reading outside.
  • Grab your pole and head to your favorite fishing hole.
  • Lounge by the pool or a scenic shore.
  • Grab a friend or two and play tennis, pickleball, baseball or sand volleyball.
  • Throw on a helmet and bike around your neighborhood or town to take in the sights. To check out the scenic Wisconsin River and bald eagles, choose the Great Sauk State Trail. For a relaxing tour of Wisconsin’s woods and wetlands, choose the 400 State Trail which starts in Reedsburg.

Enjoy the Tastes of Summer

  • Visit Prairie du Sac’s Wolversheim Winery and pretend you’re sipping wines among the scenic vistas of France of Italy. 
  • Visit one of the areas many breweries such as Baraboo’s Driftless Glen Distillery which has outdoor seating and a wonderful view of the river.
  • Make root beer floats in frosty mugs. Don’t worry when they bubble over and you get a rootbeer foam mustache or need to wipe your sticky fingers. Just enjoy.
  • Slather on the butter and eat corn-on-the-cob.
  • Build a fire and make S’mores.
  • Choose a restaurant where you can dine outdoors.
  • Visit local farmer’s markets for fresh produce and goodies. The Dells’ Elm Street Farmer's Market is open for business on Sundays from 9:30-3:00.
  • Go out for ice cream or make your own.
  • Buy a watermelon and, for fun, have a seed-spitting contest.

Enjoy the Sights of Summer

  • Take in a garden tour such as The Sauk Garden Tour held on July 27th. (
  • Go to a drive-in theatre such as the Dells’ Big Sky theatre on Hwy 16.
  • Lie on your back and watch the clouds. At night, star gaze or look for fireflies.
  • Hop in the car and drive to take in the scenery. Who knows what sights you’ll see or where you’ll end up.

Enjoy the Sounds of Summer

  • Listen to the sounds of waves lapping against the shore.
  • On August 17th, enjoy “Bagpipes in the Glen” at Baraboo’s Durwood’s Glen. (
  • Take advantage of living near the most popular park in Wisconsin—Devil’s Lake. Check out the park’s many events such as outdoor concerts, Big Band Dancing, and Forest Bathing. (
  • Mirror Lake State Park offers concerts in its outdoor amphitheater. The Blacker Brothers Band performs on August 9th, 7:00.
  • The Dells Elm Street Plaza has free nightly entertainment from 7pm-9pm. Check the schedule at
  • Research details about entertainers such as Guitarist Marc LaMere who will perform on Thursday, July 25th, at Baraboo’s Koselig Garden. Eric and Mor perform acoustic music on August 10th. Check out for a list of other performers.

Enjoy the Smells of Summer

  • Invite friends over for a cookout. Linger outside and inhale the delicious smell of steaks, brats, or hamburgers cooking on the grill.
  • Appreciate the scent of newly mowed grass. Before we know it, snow will fall and we’ll long for that smell.
  • Take time to smell the roses. And all the other flowers, too. 

I bend down and smell my cactus flower. I hadn’t realized it, but it has a pleasant smell. I take another whiff and then an even longer one, knowing that too soon, Poof! The magician will flick his wand and the magic of summer will be gone.

4 Replies to “Savor Summer’s Magic”

Debbie Gille

So many great ideas. I wish i could be there for Bagpipes in the Glen. i always loved Durwards Glen

Hi Deb,
Yes, I remember seeing you at Bagpipes in the Glen a few years ago. Or maybe it was more than a few. Time goes by so quickly which is why I’m hoping to savor some of Wisconsin’s summer specialties. Thanks for the reply.

This column is so YOU, Amy! It’s all about experiencing the delights to be had in our world, savoring them, sharing them. I wonder how many of your readers will be off to savor, sniff and see those on your list.

Yay for you,

Thanks, Gayle. I hope I have inspired a few outdoor excursions. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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