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Books for Adults
Stand-Alone Books for Children
Kayla Montgomery Series
Cars Shape a Journey
“Wiggle, wiggle, Daddy.” My sister, brother, and I would call this out while sitting on the bench seat of our Rambler classic 550 station wagon. (The wagon had wing vents for ventilation and an A.M. radio with one speaker up front, but no power brakes or steering.) If we were on a country road, Dad […]
Hoping for Spring
The first blooms of spring always make my heart sing.~S. Brown~ Like many of you, spring is the season I most anticipate.  I watch for that first blooming crocus; I even enjoy spotting the first dandelion. I pour over photos of a spring trip my husband and I took to view the brilliantly colored tulips […]
Chilling Adventure in the Land of Ice and Luck
The warmer temperatures mean ice is melting, and anglers, snowmobilers, UTV and ATV drivers, and ice skaters need to check conditions before venturing out. On February 26th, The Wisconsin State Journal reported the Lake Rescue Team rescued an ice skater on January 8th after a fall through the ice near Monona Terrace. The area where […]