Category Uncategorized

How You Can Change a Life

Mother’s Day is May 14th. Many youngsters could use a mother or adult mentor in their life. Fortunately, there’s a volunteer program which gives them a chance to develop relationships with adults who can guide and encourage them. Together, child and…

One Brave Act

My husband and I will travel to Europe soon on a river cruise along the Rhine. We aren’t seasoned travelers, and instead of anticipating the joy of seeing the beauty of French villages and the Swiss Alps, the “what ifs”…

Ready to Party?

Let’s celebrate with Mother Earth this spring! As stewards working hard to protect our home, we should also set aside time to enjoy it. Join a group or enjoy a solo adventure. Most of these ideas are near Wisconsin Dells.…

The Voices in Our Heads

I hear voices in my head. I’m guessing you do too. Advice different people have given me over the year returns at various times. For instance, when I think things like I wish it was summer, advice from a coworker…

Parade of Priorities

I sat down with a new friend during my recent trip, and she mentioned she and another friend were going to an Alabama Parade of Homes on Sunday. “Did I want to come along?” My remaining vacation days are few,…

Daisy Duke

“Check out your sister’s legs,” my sister-in-law called to my brother in September 2020. We had paused on a bike trail to drink some water. “They look like stovepipes.” It was true. I had made a doctor’s appointment, but it…

Here’s to you, Candy

We’re aware of the big decisions that steer our course, such as choosing a mate or a career, but if you think back, what was a minor decision you made that ended up being life-changing? For me, it was getting…

Ponder the Wonders

I carefully placed the lavender hyacinth in my shopping cart. Such a marvelous wonder. This fragrant, colorful array of blossoms that makes me joyously think of spring came from a dull brown bulb only weeks earlier. How that bulb could…

Just Call Me Sherlock

I’ve turned into a spy. Since my husband has had some heart problems, and since he sometimes goes to our rural cabin by himself, I now track his phone using the app “Find My Phone.” I admit to feeling uncomfortable…
