Category Uncategorized

Caw, Caw, Caw

Caw, caw, caw, I call, as I carry pieces of old bread out to my crows. Nearby neighbors must be shaking their heads. “Amy’s at it again.” But I don’t care. I not only like having feathered friends, I appreciate…

Time Alone Has Benefits

How much do you like your alone time?  Would you rather bring adult beverages and tube as a group or rise early and kayak a quiet river?  Would you rather join a group of friends, safety measures in place, for…

How To Live a Wag-Worthy Life

Mum’s brought me to the vet because of excessive licking (I won’t get into the personal details) but will mention that I keep hearing the word “surgery.” I’m not sure exactly what that entails for this kibble-loving cockapoo. I expect…

Going Back to School 2020

Classroom flashbacks are engrained in me. No wonder, since I was a student for 15 years and a teacher for over 35 years. In last night’s back-to-school dream, I was setting up for the water tank experiment to teach density.…

Caught From My Grandsons

I caught them from my grandsons. The three E’s. Starting with enthusiasm.I purposely sat across from my grandson, Mason, while my husband drove the speed boat, so I got the best view of the six-year-old’s expressions. The faster we zipped…
