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Winston, the Smiling Dog

Meet Winston, a Border collie mix who has enriched Sonja and her family’s life. Winston, who loves to go for walks, play ball, and fetch Frisbees, brings energy to their home. He’s sensitive, intelligent, and keeps the family laughing. “He…

Gertie the Extraordinary Goose

Think about those extraordinary moments of your life. You might recall a milestone celebration or something unplanned, such as the gift of a perfect spring day when you fished a stream and caught a brook trout or the warm night you strolled outdoors under a star-filled night. Or it could be the day you got an unexpected phone call that changed your life.

We Rock

“I found mine in a tree,” a friend told me excitedly, while we visited in an Alabama restaurant. “I found mine hidden in some weeds,” her husband said, leaning toward me. “Someone had painted Mississippi on the top.” The delight…

Tennis Life Lessons

“Stop bouncing around so much,” Jean, a master tennis instructor, had coached me. “Plant those feet when you’re hitting the ball. And relax!” No more acting like a Jack-in-the-box, I tell myself later, when facing my opponents. If my partner…

Memorable Gifts

My family will celebrate several spring birthdays, and it’s time for me to think about gifts. What makes a gift special? In order to find out, I decide to list gifts that left an impression and examine why they did.…
