Category Uncategorized

Winter: a Great Time of Year

We’re coming up on the midway point of winter. It’s time to appreciate this season for all it offers. Winter is the perfect time to enjoy inside activities such as watching movies, reading, arts and crafts, and baking, but let’s…

Mystery Man

I knew I’d enjoy interviewing this long-time Wisconsin Dells resident because I’d already heard some of his stories. What I didn’t know is that he’d use his sophisticated webcam to watch me pull into his driveway. Our mystery man, or…

Celebrating with Kindness

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” Martin Luther King. More than 50 years after his death, Martin Luther King Jr. continues to influence us. Known for spreading the word of peace and kindness for…

Kisses on the Cheek

A few weeks ago, my five and seven-year-old grandsons, now fully vaccinated, joined their parents, my husband and me for a celebration. We began by swimming in an indoor pool where we witnessed the five-year-old learn how to swim for…

Gifts That Matter

What gifts do you remember receiving as a child? I can recall only a few. Instead, I remember family gatherings beginning with those at my grandmother’s house. Grandma served lutefisk (we kids got to have pigs-in-the-blanket instead of the pungent…

Believe in Yourself

An elderly neighbor died. Soon after, large garbage bags appeared outside her home. Her family must have had the arduous task of cleaning out her possessions. It’s hard enough to deal with the loss of a loved one. Having to…
