Earth Week in Wisconsin Dells

Debbie keeping watch over the land
Debbie keeping watch over the land
Wanting to feature iconic Dells community members, I set off to interview Newport long-time residents, Don and Anita Nelson, farmers and the owner of Thunder Valley Inn. I happily sat alongside one of their good friends, Arlen Kanno. I ran…
What is it about seashells that draw people to them? What gives them their ancient mystery and magic? When I ask my daughter-in-law if she wants me to grab her a shell bag in preparation for our beach walk, she…
The outdoor pickleball games at Alabama’s Gulf Shores State Park were going well—nice weather, great competition, friendly people, so why was I itching for this game to be over? What was drawing me away? Is that the screech of an…
“Deuce,” I call to my opponents. We’re playing doubles tennis, and I’m serving to “Flinger,” a man with a reputation for flinging his racket when angry. He and his female partner exchange words and I catch the word “fault.” Are…
My husband and I recently spent 10 days at an Airbnb that I chose mainly because of its description of being on a property with horses, a pig, goose, goats, and chickens. Growing up in the 50s and 60s had…
My creative juices had frozen up. The endless cold and lack of change in routine had made life stagnant so it felt good to pack the suitcases, get on the road, and anticipate adventure. We spend three days on the…
My husband, who enjoys turning rough wood on his lathe and making bowls, pens, or other objects, recently finished an unusual piece. He had cut a slice from a dead ash tree thinking the grandkids would have fun counting the…
In honor of Valentine’s Day and February 20th, National Love Your Pet Day, I devote this column to exploring the various ways our pets show their love to each other and to us. My daughter’s family took in a two-week-old…