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Living More than One Life

One reason I love to travel is to hear various people’s life stories, often very different from mine. It’s almost like being allowed to live multiple lives.  My daughters and I traveled to Ireland over fourteen years ago, but I…

Visionaries of the Earth

I recently concluded a week-long class at The Clearing, a folk art school in Door County’s Ellison Bay. The Clearing, named for the opportunity for students to “clear their mind,” is a place where people can learn a craft or…

Find Your People

Are you having trouble achieving a goal, completing a task, or working through an issue? Find a friend or group to help you. My doctor once told me I should do weight-bearing exercises. It was hard to motivate myself to…

Looking on the Bright Side

After my husband read a recent column in which I described a low point in my writing career, (my presenting to an audience of two—an exhausted mother and an intoxicated man) he responded, “You’re looking at this all wrong. When…

A Chance to Save a Life

Chances are you’ve gone through a personal experience that started a whirlwind of events that changed your life forever. Mine came exactly one year ago when, knowing I was going to faint, I dropped onto my knees and lowered myself…
