Category memoir

Shifting Currents

Shifting Currents The current has shifted. It’s both unsettling and comforting. I’d seen it coming, but after my husband had scary chest pains, I couldn’t deny it. The shifting began when our son Jon and four other relatives joined my…

A Sparky Father’s Love

I love National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, the movie starring Chevy Chase as the father. He earned the nickname “Sparky” after incorrectly wiring the house’s 25,000 twinkle lights. I’m reminded of another use of the term Sparky. Roald Dahl, in his…

The Cast Iron Skillet

In August my sister Rachel and I had the chance to spend several days together. We were bound to talk about childhood memories, our deceased parents, and the difficult task we faced when dealing with their possessions. “I wish we…

The Cast Iron Skillet

In August my sister Rachel and I had the chance to spend several days together. We were bound to talk about childhood memories, our deceased parents, and the difficult task we faced when dealing with their possessions. “I wish we…

The Cast Iron Skillet

In August my sister Rachel and I had the chance to spend several days together. We were bound to talk about childhood memories, our deceased parents, and the difficult task we faced when dealing with their possessions. “I wish we…
