Flavors of Home

My husband and I are enjoying an Alabama getaway, but we miss the comforts and familiarity of home. To ease our homesickness, I decided to find a fish fry in the area.Friday night fish fries have played a significant role…
My husband and I are enjoying an Alabama getaway, but we miss the comforts and familiarity of home. To ease our homesickness, I decided to find a fish fry in the area.Friday night fish fries have played a significant role…
While hiking along the Wisconsin River, I see raccoon tracks. They’re distinctive because they’re shaped like human hands. I’m near the same ridge where, earlier in the spring, I heard the frantic cries of a baby raccoon in distress. I…
Mum’s a bit stressed out this week—something about finalizing the cover for her new book. So being the faithful companion that I am, I agreed to write this week’s column if she agreed not to read it. (I want to…
Shifting Currents The current has shifted. It’s both unsettling and comforting. I’d seen it coming, but after my husband had scary chest pains, I couldn’t deny it. The shifting began when our son Jon and four other relatives joined my…
A few weeks ago, I was zipping along on the interstate in the early morning darkness, smiling to myself because I had everything in control. Lake Geneva’s book festival would allow me to sell my books and meet fellow authors…
My phone interview with Jerry Apps last week was not only enlightening, but emotional. The 87-year-old is the author of over 40 books. He’s also the amazing but humble star in many PBS documentaries about the land and farming in…
I love National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, the movie starring Chevy Chase as the father. He earned the nickname “Sparky” after incorrectly wiring the house’s 25,000 twinkle lights. I’m reminded of another use of the term Sparky. Roald Dahl, in his…
In August my sister Rachel and I had the chance to spend several days together. We were bound to talk about childhood memories, our deceased parents, and the difficult task we faced when dealing with their possessions. “I wish we…
In August my sister Rachel and I had the chance to spend several days together. We were bound to talk about childhood memories, our deceased parents, and the difficult task we faced when dealing with their possessions. “I wish we…
In August my sister Rachel and I had the chance to spend several days together. We were bound to talk about childhood memories, our deceased parents, and the difficult task we faced when dealing with their possessions. “I wish we…