Amy Laundrie

Amy Laundrie

I’m Losing It

I’m losing it. I’ve misplaced an unusual amount of items this month. These have included the usual—cell phone, car keys, and reading glasses. One day I couldn’t find all three of my readers. But I’ve also lost unique items such…

Find Joy in Today, Take Two

Last year, my husband Frank and I planned a trip of a lifetime—a Rhine River cruise through the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Switzerland. Twenty-four days before the trip, though, Frank ended up in intensive care with a major health crisis.…

10 Ways You Can Live to Be 100

Hara Hachi Bu. My daughter and her husband, who are both dieticians, taught my grandsons to end their mealtime prayer with this Japanese phrase. Hara Hachi Bu means “eat until you’re 80% full.” According to Dan Buettner, author of “The…

Fun Field Trips

Over forty years ago, I stood next to the man who later became my husband at an Upham Woods campfire. After hearing his mellow baritone during the group’s singing of Kumbaya in that romantic outdoor setting, I was a goner.…

Treasure Hunting along the Ocean

I’m walking along the sandy white beach of Gulf Shores, Alabama, looking for treasures from the sea. Today I chose a remote stretch of beach, one littered with barnacle-covered driftwood and debris such as bottles, ropes, and bent crab traps.…

Island Life

I often wish I could live two lives so I can squeeze everything in. One way to live a second life is by traveling and connecting with new people. While playing pickleball in Alabama, my husband and I met Cathy…
