Amy Laundrie

Amy Laundrie

Five Tips to Keep You Productive

Last year, my husband and I hosted 24 people for Thanksgiving. This time last year, I was writing shopping lists, figuring out where everyone would sleep, and cleaning the house in anticipation. This year’s Thanksgiving will include four people and…

Presidential Trivia

Feeling the stress of election week? Grab a fellow voter, and just for fun, play Presidential trivia. One person asks the first six questions. Then switch.1. Which president got a $20 fine for speeding on his horse-drawn carriage?Ulysses S. Grant.2.…

Night Walk

I park by the entrance to the woods, aware that it’s nearly dark. It had rained all day, and this was the first chance I’d gotten to take the dog for a walk. I try not to let the neighbor’s…

Caw, Caw, Caw

Caw, caw, caw, I call, as I carry pieces of old bread out to my crows. Nearby neighbors must be shaking their heads. “Amy’s at it again.” But I don’t care. I not only like having feathered friends, I appreciate…
